The Hamilton AM Rotary club has accumulated a nice collection of tents, tables fundraising supplies and decorations over the years used to host high quality, successful fundraising events over its 38 year history.
The last two years, this growing collection of goods was stored at Tennier Sanitation, thanks to the generosity of member Darren Slemko, I am sure Darren didn't know what he was in for when he extended this generous offer but as the say, "all good things must come to an end". Darren's warehouse space was needed for expansion of his growing business so a move was necessary.
There was not big fight to secure additional space for about 400 square feet of goods, Mark Ewer, Past-President took up the initiative to research three local options and on September 20, a new home was secured for these items.
The club chose Public Storage on Hess Street North as a reasonable option for the new home for this rag tag collection of boxes and bins and more. On September 20, members Don Grennan, John Mokrycke, Mark Ewer and his son Paul Ewer moved everything in one move to the new location less than 5 kilometers away. We were a little surprised when Don showed up with a Mustang convertible for the move but when he put the top down, we saw the wisdom for those taller decorations. John contributed his Volvo wagon and Mark brought a borrowed truck and in one trip, the transfer was completed!
We may have not done the neatest job of storing all these items but we were able to close the storage unit door when we were done. As they say, "the rest is history"! Thanks boys!