Rotary is inclusive. There is no discrimination based on gender, religion, ethnicity, race or appearance. Rotarians are business and professional leaders who take an active role in their communities while enriching their personal and professional lives through membership. A Rotary Club contains a diverse group of members from the community that the club serves. Rotarians include business owners, hairstylists/barbers, mechanics, government workers, teachers, nurses, clergy, architects, salespersons, retirees etc.
Rotary is a grassroots organization with most of its service efforts being carried out at the Club level. The District and International structure is designed to support Rotary Clubs and help them provide maximum service in their local communities and abroad. Founded in 1905, there are over 1.4 million Rotarians in over 46,000 clubs worldwide.
Rotarians are members of Rotary Clubs which belong to a global association called Rotary International (RI). Each club elects its own Board of Directors and Officers and enjoys considerable autonomy within the framework of RI’s Constitution and Bylaws. Many clubs meet weekly as does the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM.
Clubs are grouped together into 531 RI Districts, each led by a District Governor who is an Officer of Rotary International. The District administration, including Assistant Governors and the District’s various committees, guides and supports its clubs. Our District is Rotary International District 7090 which covers Southern Ontario and North Western New York State. There are 68 clubs including 2 E-Clubs (Internet based clubs) in the District.
Rotary International is the largest service organization in the world. It acts as a link between the 46,000 Rotary Clubs and coordinates projects between clubs. The guiding principles of Rotary International are embraced by all Rotarians and help to define Rotary.
The Rotary Foundation is a not-for profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share it's vision of a better world. The Mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, support of education and the alleviation of poverty.
Like all Rotary Clubs, the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM conducts many projects in our community and internationally. Every dollar raised through fundraising is used for local or international improvements. Some of our past projects include vans for local non-profit agencies, the Community Health Bus (now retired) for the City of Hamilton and a specialized refrigerated truck for Hamilton Food Share. Over 3 million dollars has been generated for these projects through fundraising since the club being founded in 1986.
Our Club has also been the major sponsor for the Imagine in Park children's art festival since 2016 and a number of members participate in the planning and hosting of this annual event. For over 25 years our club has hosted an annual Christmas Pancake Breakfast party at Hess School and for 5 years we supplied refurbished computers to graduating Grade 8 students. For a number of years Rotarians have helped with a school literacy program which has benefited many students.
Rotarians come from all walks of life. Some are business men and women and many are local professionals. They can come to us from government or local organizations or services, in such areas as the arts, sciences, humanities, health, education, law enforcement, politics and religion. People retired from businesses or professions are welcome to become members as well but most clubs today are also trying to appeal to a younger and diverse cohort so the Club truly represents its community.
Although it is often said that membership is by invitation, if you feel that you have an interest in joining, we will welcome you to any of our meetings or special events so that you have a better sense of the atmosphere of the Club and the dedication of its members. See below for a link to our Membership Application Form.
Rotary Membership provides some definite benefits. The club meetings and projects provide great fellowship and the satisfaction of service to your community. You will meet also leaders or key professionals in the community that you might not have been able to meet otherwise.
We asked some of our members why they joined Rotary. Here's what they said:
- A great place for networking and meeting like minded influencers in the community and form long lasting friendships;
- A perfect forum for fundraising for local, national and international causes;
- An opportunity to help to increase public awareness about issues in the Hamilton community and participate in community projects; and
- A simple way to give back to the community.
Rotarians take their membership seriously. Good attendance is important so we encourage members to attend as many weekly meeting and special events as possible. Currently our club meets every Wednesday at 7:15 am at William's Fresh Cafe, 47 Discovery Drive, Hamilton, OM both in person and virtually (a Zoom link is provided with the Event listing).
If you cannot attend a Club meeting, going to another club for a “make-up” will count for attendance. Make-ups can take place anywhere in world and include not only club meetings but also work on projects or Internet participation via e-clubs. Rotary sponsored meetings and events count for attendance purposes.
If you cannot attend a Club meeting, going to another club for a “make-up” will count for attendance. Make-ups can take place anywhere in world and include not only club meetings but also work on projects or Internet participation via e-clubs. Rotary sponsored meetings and events count for attendance purposes.
All members participate in one or two of the Club’s committees such as Fundraising, Community Service, Youth Services, World Community Services, Membership and more. Every member has the right to contribute on the club's Board of Directors.
Club members are expected to follow the Rotary "Four Way Test" and the Rotary Motto of “Service Above Self” in their personal and professional lives.
There are costs of membership both in terms of time and money. Regular weekly meetings last a little over an hour and in addition there are occasional committee meetings that are scheduled at convenient times for the committee members. There could be some volunteer time involved in projects (such as volunteering in our school reading programs and helping out at our fundraising events etc.). Also, all Rotarians participate in our major fundraising events by purchasing tickets, searching for sponsors and soliciting donations. This is the source of the over $3 million dollars raised by the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM to date.
The other costs of participation are your breakfast costs when we meet at William’s Fresh Café. You can join in the fun with a donation paid to share your latest “Happy Story” and at meetings our entertaining Sergeant at Arms may subject you to a small fine for failing a quiz question or other error. These monies are donated to Rotary International for their fund to eradicate polio in the world.
Would you like one of our members to contact you to answer your questions or to invite you to meeting as a guest so you can see firsthand what Rotary is all about. Please check the "Events" section of this website for our next meeting or special event, Please e-mail us at info@hamiltonamrotary.ca. with your questions about the club or about membership.
Regular Membership Dues - The Rotary year runs from July 1 - June 30 and the regular membership dues are $275.00 annually.
If you would like to be considered for membership please complete the application form here (Word document will download directly to your computer).
If you are thinking about joining Rotary and not sure which of our fantastic local Rotary clubs is right for you, you are welcome to stop in for a meeting or two (or more) and try us out.
Since the COVID-19 Emergency, our club has continued to provide and opportunity to join in a meeting by Zoom as well as in person. Attendance at a Zoom meeting is free. If you are interested in joining a Zoom meeting, please check out our events calendar for a link or e-mail us at info@hamiltonamrotary.ca.
Our club continues to meet from 7:15 am to 8:30 am (sharp, so that you can get to work on time) on Wednesday mornings at Williams Fresh Café, 47 Discovery Drive, Hamilton, on the harbour. The meetings are fun, light, informative and provide great fellowship. Breakfast is available and there is a guest speaker or other program.