Susan Creer - Hamilton Rountable for Poverty Reduction
Susan has a strong interest in people as well as disability and poverty concerns. Susan has been volunteering since she was a teen and continues to do so. Susan is the Chair of ‘Accessible Hamilton’ a local advocacy group her Canada 150 project. She is a member of her local Ainslie Wood Community group. Susan works part-time teaching acting to children/youth for the City Recreation Department and that contract has just ended. Susan is a speaker with the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction ‘Speak Now’ bureau.
Hamilton poverty… By the Numbers:
•In December, 2016 there were 12,204 Ontario Works cases in Hamilton (includes individuals or family units)
•In December, 2016 there were 19,695 Ontario Disability Support program cases
•A further 29,335 individuals in Hamilton work but live below Statistics Canada’s low income cut-off
•In December, 2016 there were 12,204 Ontario Works cases in Hamilton (includes individuals or family units)
•In December, 2016 there were 19,695 Ontario Disability Support program cases
•A further 29,335 individuals in Hamilton work but live below Statistics Canada’s low income cut-off