Up to $30,000 is available for funding in 2019 - 2020 for Large Projects which meet the club's criteria as outlined below. Requests for multi-year project funding will also be considered.
Up to $10,000 is available for smaller projects that come up throughout the year and are above the small donations $500/project limit and worthy of funding immediately. (Please note that this funding is no longer available as it has been allocated on an emergency basis and has been exhausted)
Rotary Club of Hamilton ‘AM’
PO BOX 209, 423 King St West
Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y1
Major Projects Grants – 2019 - 2020
The Rotary Club of Hamilton AM invites organizations to submit funding proposals to support projects that promote the health of our community, within the City of Hamilton.
Mission: Making a difference through service above self.
Vision: Healthy and prosperous communities.
Preference will be given to proposals which demonstrate the following:
- A focus on children, youth and/or their families
- “Bricks & Mortar”, which provide tangible, permanent results
- Potential volunteer opportunities for Rotary members and their families
- Sustainability
- The meeting of a significant community need
- Matching dollar arrangements (can include in-kind arrangements)
Up to $30,000 is available for funding in 2019 - 2020 for Large Projects which meet the club's criteria as outlined below. Requests for multi-year project funding will also be considered.
Up to $10,000 is available for smaller projects that come up throughout the year and are above the Small Donations $500/project limit and worthy of funding immediately. Please note that this funding is no longer available as it has been allocated on an emergency basis and has been exhausted)
Please note that major capital campaigns will not be considered for funding.
In order for a proposal to be considered, ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETED. For those sections of the this application that do not apply to a specific submission please indicate “not applicable”.
- Organization Name:
- Address:
- Business Number (BN), Formerly known as the Registered Charitable Number:
- Telephone:
- Fax:
- Website Address:
- Details of Contact Person including name, position, telephone, and email
- Project Name:
- Overall goal of the project:
- Please identify how your project meets the goals/preferences of the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM, noted previously.
- How does the project fill an identified community need?
- What are the anticipated outcomes of the project and how will the success of the project be measured?
- Please provide an estimate as to the number of people the project will serve.
- Total project budget: $_________over _______months/years
- Amount requested: $________over _______ months
- Other Sources of Funding for the project:
Source (Organization Name) | Item/Details | Dollar Amount | In Kind or Financial | Anticipated or Confirmed |
Total | $ |
- How will the ongoing operating and maintenance costs be funded going forward?
- Target start and completion date of the project:
- Provide details on the status of any major regulatory approvals needed for your project to begin. These may include approvals for zoning, historic preservation, environmental impact, etc. Do any community concerns relating to the project exist? If so, have they been addressed?
- Please provide a copy of (audited) financial statements covering a two-year period for the organization responsible for your project.
- Please provide the budget for the project.
- Please provide the names of officers of the organization and members of the Board of Directors, if so constituted.
- Please provide general information about your organization: background, the issues you address, who benefits from your activities and achievements.
- With what other agencies do you co-ordinate?
- What geographical area do you service?
- Have you or your organization previously requested contributions from The Rotary Club of Hamilton AM for this or any other projects? If yes, when and how much money did you receive from the Club?
- What recognition and publicity would Rotary receive if your appeal is approved?
Please submit proposals in writing to the address above or by email to info@hamiltonamrotary.ca by the deadline of May 31, 2020.
Successful applicants will be contacted by July 31, 2020, and funding will be made available by September 30, 2020.