On January 8, 2025, Hamilton Am Club members welcomed Carolyn Rankin-Boulin who shared information about her organization, The Centre for Diverse Learners with offices in Burlington but programs in Hamilton and Halton. Their programs are aimed at individuals with diverse learning needs.
These programs are designed to help students learn on their own terms, in the ways that work for them. In the short term, they teach students and parents how to advocate for their rights in the classroom. In the long term, the hope is they don’t have to. The Centre's goal is a world where the organization isn’t needed – where every student automatically gets the help they deserve.
Neurodiverse students often require intensive support to succeed academically. The Centre's "Intensive Individualized Program" pairs students with an experienced tutor. The tutors are trained to understand and address both the learning and cognitive issues that can impact neurodiverse students. Tutoring is tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. A strategic plan is created based on Centre assessments, any documentation the parent provides, and input from both the parent and student.
At the club meeting, Carolyn shared an excellent video on the Centre for Diverse Learning, produced by Tweedle Productions, owned by club member Mindy Tweedle. It can be viewed at: https://ldahh-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/carolyn_rankin-boutin_diverselearners_ca/ETBtINz-z7BFiN_GzGfEIdoBYJ4kY3kkIZ6XbUf8fueryQ?e=9ZxoVy