Under Michelle Austin's leadership, club members from the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM donated enough funds or items to fill a special gift bag for students to take home for the holidays. The Annual Pancake Breakfast the club has hosted at the school for 20 years was cancelled this year due to the pandemic so members quickly switched to the gift bag alternative.
Along with significant cash donations, club members, sourced and donated mitts (Janet McNaught and Paul Lakin), juice boxes and fruit snacks (Mark Ewer), apples (Tom Tweedie) and toys (Dan Millar and the Salvation Army team). Special thanks to Darren Slemko from Tennier Sanitation whose donation supplied calculators for the Grade 7 and 8 students and Dr. Mark Shankman from Dundas Valley/Gore Park Dentistry for the tooth paste (to use after eating all the candy!).
Many thanks to Irene Stayshyn and Paul Reardon for purchasing many of the snack items and then organizing the packaging for each student. The pictures below show the packaging team who worked for 3 hours to produce the 220+ gift bags at Paul Reardon's home. Pictured below are Irene Stayshyn, Paul Reardon, Celine Legret, Don Grennan and Frank Stechey.
Finally, thanks to the delivery team that transported all 220+ bags to Hess Street School on December 17. This included Kerry Jarvi, Anne Bermingham, Irene Stayshyn and Paul Reardon.