At its January 10, 2024 morning meeting, President Mac Lashley chaired the club's Annual General Meeting. One of the first items of business was the presentation of a "Paul Harris" award to Celine Legret for her outstanding contributions to the Rotary Foundation over her 23 years as a Rotarian. This is Rotary International's highest honour in member recognition and is named after Rotary's founder (you guessed it, Paul Harris of Chicago, Illinois, USA).
Treasurer Ruth Liebersbach presented the financial statements for the last Rotary year, July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. The club is on a solid financial footing and copies of the report have been circulated to all members. Of particular note was the success of the "Fly Me to the Moon" dinner in April which raised $35,000 to be used for club community and international grants.
President Mac gave a very impressive account of club activities in the first six months of his rein. The Imagine Summer Gala was a very big success, exceeding our target of $100,000 which was donated to the Bob Kemp Hospice for their pediatric hospice project to be called "Keaton's House".
The Board of Directors for the 2024 - 2025 Rotary Year was announced and approved at the meeting. The positions on the board will be filled as follows:
MacNeal Lashley - Past President
Celine Legret - President Elect
Tim McClemont - Secretary
Simon Boucher - Treasurer/ President Elect designate
Anne Bermingham - Director
Viren Malelu - Director
Shikha Sareen - Director
Irene Stayshyn - Director
Elizabeth Ward - Director
MacNeal Lashley - Past President
Celine Legret - President Elect
Tim McClemont - Secretary
Simon Boucher - Treasurer/ President Elect designate
Anne Bermingham - Director
Viren Malelu - Director
Shikha Sareen - Director
Irene Stayshyn - Director
Elizabeth Ward - Director