Food4Kids Hamilton is a non-profit organization that provides healthy food for kids with limited or no access to food on weekends or during the summer months. The organization is funded through donations , fundraisers or one-time grants and relies on volunteers to operate as it employs only 3 staff members.
There are thousands of children in Hamilton struggling through each weekend without food. While hunger exists around the world, Food 4 Kids goal is to address hunger in our home community. It does this by supplying 1600 children living in families suffering with food insecurity, with a take home bag of food, each weekend. This is done by delivering to the 76 schools that are participating in the program.
Each year, a number of children "graduate" out of the program but there are always more identified needing this critical service. The Vision of the organization is to "ensure that any child sustaining weekends without food, will be fed". What an admirable goal for our Hamilton community!