Hamilton AM club members enjoyed a visit and speech by 7090 District Governor (DG) Scott Marcin at their June 12 morning meeting.
Scott previously graced the club's Christmas Breakfast at Hess Street School on December 20 but this was his "Official Visit" to the Hamilton AM Club during his term as District Governor.  Scott spoke very eloquently about his fascinating year as DG and his admiration for the many Rotary members he had the pleasure to meet on his visits to each District 7090 club during his term.  
Scott recognized the contributions to the District by Hamilton AM club members such as Anne Bermingham; a past club President and  Past District Governor, Cheryl Gzik who has tirelessly supported the District's Youth Exchange Program and John Dalgleish, a club Past-President who will play the role of District Treasurer for 2024 - 2025.
Scott encouraged all members to create their own, personal "Elevator Speech" that they can use with those they meet to spread the good word about Rotary.  Scott's presentation was entertaining, warm and well received by Hamilton AM club members.
Mark Ewer, Past-President 1997-98