District Conference in Buffalo, NY
Posted by Marlee McIntyre
This past weekend, over 400 Rotarians from District 7990 participated in our District Conference in Buffalo, NY. It was a weekend of making new friends and renewing old ones. Plus many terrific speakers on a variety of topics, including The Power of 1, about what one person can start throughout the world. Our luncheon speaker had many of us on the verge of tears while listening to her personal journey with polio.
At the luncheon, Judy Dolbec, Past President, accepted the Presidential Citation on behalf of our club. Well done club! Our World Services Committee and our Public Relations Chair worked magic to develop a visual presentation recounting our 3-H Grant's story and offering suggestions that other clubs could step up to do in Lyantonda, Uganda. Well done, Tony, David, Ray, and Peter. Tony and a Rotaract student, Olga, staffed the booth to generate interest in other clubs. Over the period of the day, all attendees, Brian, John, Judy and myself had the opportunity to lend a hand at the booth also. During the District 7090 Annual Meeting, our club was given accolades for our successful 3-H Grant (Lyantonda) and used as an example of how to develop a program where when complete there is sustainability. Well done, to all of our members who participated in this project, especially to Ray, David and Tony who were in it from the beginning and are seeing it through to the close.
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